You found the right words Sam! Sometimes they don't have to be new words, but words from previous times when we've stood at a crossroads and had a decision about how to respond to a situation. And we just need to be reminded.

Like you say we get to choose the story we tell ourselves and we live, and it's important for our own sanity that we choose one that's constructive. It's the reason why we go back to certain books and authors and quotes. They have a certain universal truth and wisdom to impart. I loved the quotes you shared.

But I also wanted to say that you are one of those writers too. I pay for very few Substacks. Not just because it would cost a small fortune! But because I'm trying to be very intentional about what I read. I see you as a pioneer in this space and as somebody who's reframing the discussions about what it means to be a woman in midlife.

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Thank you Denise. That means a huge amount.

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Thanks for this, Sam.

My daughter in London overheard a city chap on the phone yesterday talking about how relieved he was by the result, because Harris would have been "too left wing". A different lens entirely. I didn't even see it as left/right. I just thought about human rights. Women's rights.

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The Overton window on this stuff is traveling light speed. Anything not on the service of billionaire guys is ‚too left/woke/whatever, and then all those not in the power group are played off against each other. So yes it is patriarchy and racism but also anti workers rights and any form of organisation that may threaten their power.

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I'm an American living in Florida. I'm not ready to be positive yet.

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Sending you lots of love

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I needed these words today. I'm well into the second forty and, although I often lose my nouns, my brain is still on fire. Thank you.

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All power to us, Sam. Here's to those new stories. X

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We need them right now xx

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