When did you last make time for your wellness?
For me, the answer was never. Then I found out what happens when you don't
Wellness. It wasn’t really a thing if you grew up in the 70s and 80s. Like mental health, depression, anxiety, period pain and PMS (I could go on but you get the gist) it was just one of those things that fell into the already over-stuffed category of “put up and shut up”, “what are you making a fuss about?” and "pull yourself together." Self-care wasn’t even a glimmer in a venture-capitalist's eye, let alone a billion dollar industry and, if it had been, it would have been a luxury most ordinary people could not afford. All around, everyone was busy getting on with the business of life – earning money, paying the bills, work, work, working – and the mantra of the day, the goal for any self-respecting teenage girl (with or without a copy of The Female Eunuch under the bed) with a smidgeon of ambition was to get up and on and out. To start cl…