“She’s begging for total global humiliation... She’s gonna get it”
The witch hunt against Amber Heard has set domestic violence attitudes back decades
Amber Heard testifying in court last week
I said I wasn’t going to do this, but this week I hit a wall. I’ve been circling around Johnny Depp and Amber Heard for weeks now. When the trial started in Fairfax, Virginia* what feels like 935 days ago I was determined to ignore the whole charade. As I saw it then. The irresponsible headlines plastered all over the internet were too depressing. The graphic descriptions of things he allegedly said and did too triggering. The #TeamJohnny v #TeamAmber hype often discussed, in the UK at least, in a bizarre hall of mirrors parallel with #TeamColleen v #TeamRebecca. As if the two trials had anything in common other than happening simultaneously and the vilification of two not especially likeable women. (And we all know the importance of likability if you’re a woman.)
And then the memes started. Funny, I g…