All* of my friends are ending their marriages
*OK, not all, but a lot of them, and only the heterosexual ones. And I'm pretty sure I know why
On Monday a friend told me, almost in passing, that she was leaving her “miserable marriage”. I didn’t know there was anything especially miserable about her marriage, although I’d always thought she was way more fun, interesting, smart etc than her, frankly, quite boring husband. (Having been stuck with him for several hours at a friend’s wedding, I’d often wondered how she put up with him. But, who knows, he probably felt the same about me.)
Anyway, even though I couldn’t say I saw it coming, I wasn’t honestly that surprised. After all, she’s not the first. She’s not even the second or the third. She is, in fact, about the fifteenth woman I know in their mid-40s to late-50s who has turned around in the last few years and gone… Is this it? Really? For the next thirty-odd years? No ta.
Let’s be clear, these are not, on the whole, women in so-called b…